Hello and thanks for checking out the website!

My name is Bernadette Rohan, a natural-light photographer, based in the beautiful Northern Virginia area. I love my work, and I love the people I'm blessed to share it with. Although I specialize in portraiture, I am a freelance photographer with an eclectic range of events and stylized shoots. Photography has been my passion for the last seven years, and it continuously challenges me with its endless opportunities.

I also specialize in artwork, another love and passion. After taking art courses during college, I temporarily taught art at both Montessori and classical grade schools. This past summer I continued my education by attending an art course in beautiful Florence. Sweet Italia forever impacted me, and the experience continues to inspire my art and photography.

Art is a powerful and soulful movement, relaying beauty. It never fails to inspire me. Whether it be sketching while sipping on my morning coffee or photographing a black-tie wedding at a grand hotel, I love capturing art with genuine storytelling. And I love it even more when I get to share it with you all.

Talk soon!
